• Lifeline

    Lifeline offers immediate relief for acute challenges, trauma, crisis, and unexpected changes that life has dealt. We focus on your immediate needs, give you tools to catch your breath, and help you find your footing by taking a hard look at where you are, and where you can go from here. Our coaches have personally experienced similar circumstances and know first-hand how to navigate the turbulent waters of life. Lifeline can bring you hope and peace even amidst what may feel overwhelming or like total chaos. You will learn healthy coping tools that will get you and your family through this stage of growth.

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  • Family Relationship Coaching

    If you have a relationship that has room for improving communication, developing more healthy habits, or is maybe even ready for a complete transformation, this program delivers the insights, awareness, and the tools that you will need. We have experience with all types of relationships to provide a safe, neutral third party as a witness to guide you toward developing mutual respect, trust, equality, and a strong, loving, healthy relationship. Our program requires you to show up for yourself first. It requires you to take responsibility for the thoughts, words, actions, and energy that you bring to the table. We walk with you each step of the way out of the blame game patterns that plague so many of our modern-day relationships.

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  • Essential Oils

    Essential oils are natural oils derived from aromatic plants. They possess the healing qualities of the plants they come from, and we can use these gifts of the earth to support us in healing our bodies, minds, hearts, and emotions. They provide natural solutions to many of life’s challenges, and they don’t cause the side effects that many pharmaceutical drugs do. We encourage our coaching clients to utilize oils on their journey of healing and becoming the best versions of themselves, and we provide regular online classes to educate people about how to use them.

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  • Retreats

    Our retreats are offered several times a year as a place for rest, and rejuvenation. We offer our community members the opportunity to unplug from the busy pace and noise of our outside modern world and give themselves the gift of connection to the quiet, space of our internal reality. In our modern life, it is easy to lose touch with the most intimate relationship of all, the one with ourselves. We invite you to disconnect from all electronic devices and move into a space of stillness and silence within. When we are willing to quiet the external reality, we discover who we are at a deeper level, we gain clarity of purpose for our life and we remember how to simply BE.

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  • Immersions

    Our immersions are designed to encompass all that the term implies. We spend 1-3 days in a customized deep personal discovery of who you are and explore the unconscious patterns of thoughts, beliefs, and habitual modes that keep you locked in unhealthy patterns. We design immersions for individuals, couples, and families who truly want to transform the unhealthy patterns and coping mechanisms that otherwise get passed down from generation to generation.

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  • Community Wellness Support

    As a client, you will receive additional support with the opportunity to join our other community members in groups, wellness classes, immersions, and retreats. We offer meditation instruction, nutrition basics, natural healing solutions, books, recipes, inspirational quotes, as well as sharing links and recommendations for reliable sources for living a more healthy lifestyle.

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